
Hi, I'm Cassandra. This blog documents my adventures in life and ghost hunting. Start with the post "A (Brief) Story of My Life" to get the full story.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Warning

Things have totally gone to Hell. It's about 3 a.m. 30 minutes ago we were all still sitting around staring into the fire. No one was talking so everything was silent except for the sounds of nature. But suddenly, I noticed I couldn't even here those anymore. No crickets, no owls, nothing. I could tell everyone else was starting to get uncomfortable too. Then, it started. The growling. It was just as terrifying as the last time I heard it. The sound seemed to be coming from all around us, and we began to hear branches snapping, like people were walking through the woods. Right then, I realized we'd made a horrible mistake. This was way beyond anything we were equipped to deal with. We all got up and clustered together close to the fire like it could protect us. I was huddled between Agnes and Peter, the three of us trembling nonstop. And then it got worse. The growls turned into savage screams and a sudden gust of wind blew our fire out, plunging us into darkness. The sky was overcast, so we didn't even have light from the moon. Something shoved me from behind, and I fell to the ground. I heard one of my team members scream; I think it was Peter. I looked up and saw a dark figure stalking towards me. It was one of the co-eds. Despite my earlier optimism about trying to reason with them, I knew it was no use. I panicked and ran into the trees. As I fled, I heard one of my team members scream again, but there was nothing I could do. I sprinted for what seemed like hours, but I still couldn't find the road. My adrenaline began to wear off, so I had to take a break and sat down against a tree. I finally had the presence of mind to call the police, who naturally thought I was nuts. They said they were sending people, but it would be awhile since I couldn't give them my exact location.
So, now I'm still sitting here by this damn tree blogging to a bunch of strangers on my smartphone. Is this really how my life is gonna end? I have the horrible feeling that my team members might be dead and that I'm next. I mean, if they were still alive I would have heard them, right? They would be yelling or...oh God. I can hear the growling again. They're here. I'm gonna try to take a picture so you guys can see why you need to stay out of these woods. Please, just stay away.


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