
Hi, I'm Cassandra. This blog documents my adventures in life and ghost hunting. Start with the post "A (Brief) Story of My Life" to get the full story.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Meeting

Today I finally got to meet the people I have been talking to online. A couple of days ago Peter, the reporter, suggested we all get together, so we decided on today at noon in Jay's Daily Grind. I was nervous, because meeting everyone in person made the whole thing seem more real. People talk about crazy things online all the time, but meeting up with strangers to talk about paranormal activity in a coffee shop felt like a point of no return.
Things were a little awkward at first. The five of us (me, Peter, Tim, Alcyone, and Agnes) huddled around a table in the corner to ensure privacy. No one really seemed to know what to say at first. Alcyone finally broke the ice by talking about her knowledge of spectral activity and sharing some of her own paranormal experiences. She seems more comfortable discussing the supernatural than the rest of us. After that, one by one, each of us shared our own experiences and opinions on the existence of ghosts.
After talking for around two hours, we decided it was time to take action. We agreed to conduct an official investigation of a supposedly haunted location, Hotel Morgan. Up until this point, all of our paranormal experiences had been completely unexpected and out of our control. As a result, it is hard to determine how much of what we saw was real or the product of fear and panic. Hopefully, since we're going to the hotel in search of paranormal activity, we'll be able to record and process anything we see more reliably and rationally. I jokingly suggested we should give ourselves a group name like those douchey ghost hunter guys on tv, and everyone really jumped on the idea. So, after a few minutes of deliberation, we decided to call ourselves the Morgantown Association of Paranormal Investigators (MAPI). I guess that makes everything official.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this stuff my whole life, so it's not as surprising to me as a lot of people. I look forward to learning more about paranormal experiences with you guys.
    Blessed be,
